Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Spring is a wonderful time of the year. To my mind, the best of all seasons. It is the time of renewal, re-birth, hope, and freshness. Nature is waking up after its winter sleep and we all have big hopes and ideas about what everything that grows will look like, smell, taste and feel. You can watch the play from a distance and admire the many shades of green or you can bend down or go closer and watch how small, budding leaves in a few days time grow and grow and eventually become the sun collectors that will give the trees the strength and energy to climb a bit higher, give us shade, whisper secrets in the wind and send energy to our tired souls and bodies. The power of big trees is one of the insight you can learn more about in the book “The Celestine Prophesy” and I strongly believe it is true that you can get energy from big trees and even help to heal both your body and soul.

The two pictures show a lime tree leave just outside my kitchen window that we planted some few years ago and the other a more exotic tree called “handkerchief tree” I saw today in Kalmar about 30 km from Svångemåla. It is originally from China and is one of the strangest trees I have ever seen. It looks like it is covered with handkerchiefs or small ghosts flying around in the leaves.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing! The 'handkercief tree' is indeed very special. I've never seen anything like it.