Sunday, May 6, 2007

Birds :)

It is five a clock in the morning and the Bear is sleeping when the noise starts. At first it is only a few, rather weak and almost pleasant bibs but they are increasingly getting many more and much louder and eventually, they sound like a starting jumbo jet and it is not possible to sleep any longer. What is going on in Svångemåla? Construction work? Rock concert? No, birds! And more birds! Happy birds, mating birds, fighting birds, small birds, a bit bigger birds, birds in all colours and everywhere. At five a clock in the morning “silent spring” is just something to dream about. I turn on the radio and listen to some sleepy music that covers the wave of noise coming from the flying animals on amphetamine that have invaded my kingdom. It works and I go back to sleep for a couple of more hours. It is not only the birds that create havoc in Svångemåla. Badgers have decided to convert my lawn into a potato field or something similar. They are poking holes everywhere and, unlike golfers, they do not put back the divots. Seriously bad. My dear mother once accused me of practising my golf swing a bit too recklessly when the badgers visited some years ago and I would have loved to show her again that I, as most of the time, was completely innocent. Hopefully a stroboscope with a built in motion detector will keep them away or I have to come up with a more drastic solution.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oj, det verkar inte vara så lugnt på landet trots allt. Kan bara föreslå öronpluggar om du vill sova längre på morgnarna.