Saturday, May 26, 2007

Breaking News!!!!

This time of the year is very exciting in Svångemåla! A lot of flowers and plants are just sprouting out of the ground and right now Lily of the Valley, chive, and peonies are incredible. The fragrance of the lilies can be felt even when sitting in a car and the peonies are shining like traffic lights in the middle of all the shades of green. Wonderful!

The great news is, however, that Mrs and Mr Crane today let me see their two small “babies”. It is the first time I have ever seen crane chickens so close to our house and I am not so sad that Fred the Fox is not around just now. It might even be a direct result of FF’s disappearance from the scene. Unfortunately they were a bit too far away even for a 300 mm lens but maybe I will get a chance to get closer to them before they leave Svångemåla.

Not much else is going on. The flowerpots are ready for the plants that will be bought next week, the grass is cut and, judging from the noise coming from the nest, the wagtails have a got a number of off springs that are desperate to get fed.

Boring? Not at all, this is what life in Svångemåla is all about. When and if I need more excitement, I can always go to Alsjöholm and enjoy looking at the newly painted church, travel a bit further and buy a pizza in Påryd or even all the way to Nybro where the razzmatazz really starts!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow ! It's really exciting news from Svangemala these days ! The pictures are wonderful. Please keep adding one new ones throughout the season.