Friday, July 10, 2009

Wild strawberries on a straw

To many, the midnight sun is the what they think of when (and if) they think of summer in Sweden but to almost as many, wild strawberries on a straw is just as typical! Astrid Lindgren, and many other authors, have written about children picking wild strawberries (smultron) and put them on a straw and almost all Swedes have done it. It is a special feeling to do that and when you put them in your mouth and slide them off in one single sweep it is like an explosion of tastes!

It is a VERY good year for both wild strawberries and blueberries and I hope I will be able to pick enough to make at least one pie.


Anonymous said...

Vilka härliga smultron! Det är verkligen en speciell känsla att plocka smultron och trä dem på ett strå, riktig svensk sommar. Har inte gjort det på många år nu, men kanske nästa år???

Bear said...

Det hoppas jag verkligen! Livet är kort och man skall inte skjuta upp vad som är viktigt allt för länge.