Monday, July 20, 2009


It is not always easy to be different. I have experienced this many times, both in Africa and in Asia. One example is when my wife and I arrived in Beijing’s railways station 1987 together with a couple of thousand Chinese travelers. (3.5 million Chinese travel by train every day today!) My blond hair and light skin as well as the fact that I was probably half a meter taller than the rest, made me stand out like a ...European in China. This has also happened many times in Africa when I have been to slums and other places where white / pink skinned people are as common as black people are in Svångemåla. It has never been a real or serious problem but you cannot hide from curious eyes and it is impossible not to be noticed. I thought about this today, when I saw that my albino horseradish plant has once again dared to come up. I do not know how it manages the photosynthesis that I have been told needs chlorophyll but maybe someone can explain that to me? It is,as you can see, much smaller than its green siblings but beside its color, it looks exactly the same. It also made me think about the atrocities albinos in some parts of Africa experience but that is another story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best wishes!