Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The color of the day in Svångemåla is purple. The meadow I, a bit pretentious, call The Field, is purple in many parts and so is my garden. Butterflies are everywhere and the bumble bees have to work hard to get their share of the available food. In many ways it is a wonderful time of the year but tomorrow a so called harvester is coming to cut down the trees that are now growing where the new road will be. Wonder if they know what is coming? The trees I mean...

On their way to the table!

Harmonious co-existence


Canadiun said...

Hi Bear - what do you mean on the way to the table? Can you eat them? And, if so, how?

Bear said...

Hi Canadiun! No, I have never eaten neither butterflies nor bumblebees! The only insects I have taste were some sort of catapillars in Botswana. They were fried and mixed with onion and carrots. Really tasty. I just meant that the two insects were on their way to their table, the flower, to suck nectars. :)