Saturday, April 25, 2020

Early flowers and a bit more :)

The 2019-2020 winter was mild and wet but spring has so far been very dry. The usual flowers are there but my feeling is that they are not as numerous or colorful as they used to be. That can be just an imagination or because the very bright sunshine took away the vibrant colors the day I took the photos. Here are some of them... no names or descriptions, just a walk through our little paradise :) If you can identify all flowers you will get a thumbs up in my next post !

 Our small homestead's proper name is Bäckalund which means the small grove by the stream. The stream is very small and it is only during spring it is filled with water.



Unknown said...

Hi Bear! Your pictures are beautiful! They look as if you're in Minnesota as we too have many birds returning and native flowers beginning their growth. It was a pleasure to meet you last year. Wishing you good health in 2020.

Nick Sandquist.

Bear said...

Hi Nick! First - we felt very much at home in Minnesota since it reminded us of Sweden and Småland. The small lakes, the forests, most plants and tress could just as well have been in Svångemåla! Secondly - the way your whole family accepted and treated us was amazing! Although we had just met three of you before, we felt like we had known you for a long time and we hope that we will meet again when this whole COVID19 situation is history. Take care and all the best to all of you from both of us! Björn, The Bear :)