Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Improved power supply in Svångemåla!

Most of us have become more and more dependent on an uninterrupted supply of electricity.  Although this is seen as a luxury in many countries, the responsible Swedish companies are now trying hard to make sure that the supply of electricity is not interrupted even when the wind is blowing and snow covers the trees. The main reason is probably that they have to compensate their customers every time this happens.  Since Svångemåla is in the middle of large forests the problem of interrupted power supply has been a real nuisance and efforts are now made to improve the situation. The latest improvement was made in May and June when cables were changed and several were put in the ground where falling trees cannot cut them off. The machines used are really impressive and make the life of the workers much easier than it used to be when they had to climb each and every pole.

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