Friday, August 27, 2010

August 2010

August 2010 is almost history. Nothing much has happened in Svångemåla. Surprisingly few animals have showed up around my house and no other major events have taken place. It is slowly getting colder and darker. The dew makes the grass glitter in the morning and the well known August moon is as bright as it always is.

As you know, my apples were early destroyed by insects but a few were spared and made into a delicious apple pie.

There are berries in the forest and we made a couple of blueberry pies and have seen, but not picked any lingonberries.

The most typical Swedish tradition this time of the year is the eating of crayfish and fermented herring (smells like it is rotten!) called "surströmming".

Despite all the rain we have had, there are not as much mushrooms as usual but it is still not too late for them so we just have to be patient.

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