Monday, May 18, 2009

The Field

The Field is probably the most important "part" of my part of Svångemåla. I do not own it but I see it all the time and its there where most of my wild friends eat and socialize. Since it is so important, I will try to show you pictures of it in different light conditions and at different times of the year. This is what it looks like when the sun is setting and the skies are clearing after a rainy day.


Anonymous said...

Vackert och stämningfullt. Har du sett några älvor?

Bear said...

Jo, älvorna finns där alltid om man bara sluter ögonen lite och ser lite inåt också :)

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful reminder of how mystical our experience of nature can be. Didn't a knome show up in this location last year?

Bear said...

Yes, you are right and the elves are dancing there all the time...