Monday, July 16, 2007


It must by now be clear to all that Svångemåla is a nature lover’s paradise. That is, however, not all that you can experience here! The more obscure elves and trolls are also everywhere for those who care to look really carefully and with open minds. Take a close look at the photo, double click on it and have a closer look! When the moon replaces the sun and the wind dies down you can even hear when they carefully wander around in the bushes, rattles a leaf or breaks a twig. The trick, if you want to see them, is to not look directly at them but to squint a bit and let your gaze wander. Some are tiny, very tiny and can hardly be seen, only felt, while others are so big that you might think you are looking at a cloud and not an elf. Both trolls and elves can change their appearance in a split second from an animal to a plant and back again before you have really noticed anything. It is exciting, scary, fun and most of all magical.

The goblins are different and needs to be treated with some care to make sure that they are not annoyed and start to bother you. Life in the forest can be difficult enough without their mischief!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture! The ground is almost like velvet - must be pleasant to walk on for those little elves and trolls that are hiding among the trees. I think I saw one!