Tuesday, July 24, 2007


The deep forest in Svångemåla makes me calm down, comforts me and makes me feel safe and protected. The big trees give me strength and energy and the gentle sound of the wind blowing in them is almost like lullabies. Even the darkness is a blessing to my eyes and mind.

If you are not used to being in a deep forest you can feel a bit uncomfortable, almost scared and you start to look around you to make sure that no one is looking at you or following you. Particularly if you are used to live in a city, the forest can be a bit too mystical, almost scary.

The young boy above felt that way for a while but after we had walked down the path, seen and listened to the animals around us, examined a few interesting mushrooms and eaten some berries, he felt just as much at home as I do. It is my firm belief that all children should have a chance to experience this and start to understand the wonders that surrounds you as soon as you enter into the adventure that a deep forest is full of.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

End of Summer?

A few yellow leaves are falling, the days are getting a bit shorter and it seems as if nature is preparing for the winter. According to the calendar it is still full summer, the temperature is still high on sunny days but again, there are clear indications that we are coming closer to the time we call autumn.

In many ways, this is a really nice time of the year so I am not complaining just noticing what is going on. Among the many positives are the many berries you can find in the deep forests, the apples that are making the branches bend dangerously low and the mushrooms that are sprouting up as soon they get some rain.

Monday, July 16, 2007


It must by now be clear to all that Svångemåla is a nature lover’s paradise. That is, however, not all that you can experience here! The more obscure elves and trolls are also everywhere for those who care to look really carefully and with open minds. Take a close look at the photo, double click on it and have a closer look! When the moon replaces the sun and the wind dies down you can even hear when they carefully wander around in the bushes, rattles a leaf or breaks a twig. The trick, if you want to see them, is to not look directly at them but to squint a bit and let your gaze wander. Some are tiny, very tiny and can hardly be seen, only felt, while others are so big that you might think you are looking at a cloud and not an elf. Both trolls and elves can change their appearance in a split second from an animal to a plant and back again before you have really noticed anything. It is exciting, scary, fun and most of all magical.

The goblins are different and needs to be treated with some care to make sure that they are not annoyed and start to bother you. Life in the forest can be difficult enough without their mischief!

Monday, July 9, 2007

New Project!

Time for some really exciting news from Svångemåla! My neighbour has developed a plan or project to firmly put our village on the map by making it a small tourist paradise. He intends to develop some of the jungle like meadows into grassing areas for domestic animals, prepare hiking paths, places for barbecues and other facilities that will attract nature lovers while at the same time making sure that the original ambiance and beauty of the area are not lost. Local, regional and even international organisations and possible stakeholders have been consulted and application, permits and other forms are being filled in and submitted. The largest local area newspaper, Barometern, has reported on the project in a vary favourable way and we are now keeping our fingers crossed that those who got the final word will be equally positive.

The main objective of this initiative is to open up a truly wonderful part of Sweden to all who are interested in the typical fauna and flora of Småland and thereby increase their knowledge and understanding of it.

Svångemåla News will of course keep you all up to date about the progress of the project.